(443) 973-4016

Contribute To Our Nature Conservation and Education Efforts

Support Our Environmental Work With Donations

The Robinson Foundation reaches out to the community in many ways. Our goal of supporting a wide variety of initiatives and grants is to broaden the audience for our urgent message of nature conservation.

Grant Support

Past grants from the Foundation have supported partner organizations, including HoLLIE and the Howard County Conservancy. Other grants have sustained professional research into the history of human activities along the Middle Patuxent River, as reflected in Lee Preston's new book Archaeology in Howard County and Beyond: What I've Learned in 40 Years About Its People and Sites. Some events appeal to families with young children, such as Claudia Friddell's talks at Swansfield Elementary School on her book, Goliath (about Anne Robinson's firefighter grandfather and his hero horse). Other events and activities attract adult naturalists, such as Middleton Evans's talk on wild bird photography.

Donate or Sponsor

With the opening of the Nature Center and resulting growth in excitement about environmental education in our area, we need to reach out more broadly and still accomplish more. But the Foundation needs funds to support the costs of our expanding endeavors. Please help.

To make a donation to The James and Anne Robinson Foundation, feel free to contact us. Businesses interested in sponsoring a particular event or program should contact Executive Director Marianne Pettis.